Easter Egg Hunt

Spring is such an uplifting time of year. The days are getting warmer, the sun is shining, and greenery is popping up everywhere. It’s all a sign that Easter is right around the corner.

Many of us remember the Easter egg hunt as being the highlight of the day when we were young. This year, why not tie-in a financial literacy lesson to your Easter egg hunt.

Here are the instructions:

  • Buy a couple bags of plastic eggs and designate a specific color egg to each child. Make sure you have the same amount of each color.

  • Fill the eggs with either a crisp dollar bill, two half-dollars, or four quarters. You decide how many eggs you want each child to receive.

  • Hide the eggs.

  • Line up the kids and give them each a color. Specify that they can only pick up the color egg that is assigned to them. Then set them loose.

  • Once the hunt is over, all the kids go to the table to count their money.

  • They each separate their money into 10 equal parts.

  • Take 10% and set it aside for charity.

  • Take 10% and set it aside for savings.

  • Take 30% and set it aside to buy their sisters/brothers a gift.

  • Take 50% to spend on themselves.

Now, if you really feel adventurous, take them to the store the next day to watch them pick out a gift for their sibling. This part can be very revealing! 😊

 Happy Easter!

Gail Gill, CFP®, Worley Erhart-Graves Financial Advisors