Employee Spotlight: Angie Miller

In celebration of Worley Erhart-Graves Financial Advisors’ 20th Anniversary, we are spotlighting our team members for their contributions to our success. This week, we feature Angie Miller. Angie is our Paraplanner.

Q. Favorite Place Traveled and why?

A. Grace Bay Beach, Providenciales, Turks & Caicos. My husband and I love to travel and hope to one day say that we’ve been to every island in the Caribbean. So far, Turks & Caicos has been my favorite. The locals were so welcoming and friendly. I immediately felt like I belonged from the moment we stepped off the plane. We ended up hiring our taxi driver for the entire week while we were there, met his wife and his children. Everyone on the island was so kind including the concierge at our resort, waiters, shop owners, tour guides, people we spoke to on the street, etc. My favorite memory from that time was floating in the crystal clear water of the ocean. There is so much salt in the ocean there that I could’ve taken a nap and floated out to sea. I often think to myself “just float” and remember that feeling.

Q. Interesting fact about yourself.

A. I don’t think it’s very interesting, kind of boring actually, but I have lived on the west side of Indianapolis my entire life. I hope to retire close to an ocean one day, but not sure if I will be able to leave Marion county. Ha!

Q. Who or what shaped you as who you are today?

A. Two sets of people really have shaped me, one, my parents. They raised me to be a good catholic girl who got straight A’s and always did the right thing. And two, my now-adult children who make me want to be a better person with each new day. I want to be the parent that they look up to and can turn to at any time of their lives, good or bad.

Q. What do you enjoy most about your job?

A. My background was 29 years banking where the rules changed daily, there was always stress and you had to have a meeting to form a committee to even consider making a decision. From the first day I started at Worley Erhart-Graves I knew that my life was going to change for the better. My favorite part of my job is just coming to work every day knowing that I work with a great team. We all want to make our clients happy and to make sure they are secure in their financial future. It’s like a story from the time the clients come in the door until the report is mailed out weeks later with their recommendations from our financial planners. And it’s always a happy story.

-Angie Miller, Paraplanner, Worley Erhart-Graves Financial Advisors