Employee Spotlight: Anita Ison

In celebration of Worley Erhart-Graves Financial Advisors’ 20th Anniversary, we are spotlighting our team members for their contributions to our success. This week, we feature Anita Ison. Anita is a CPA at the firm.

Q. Favorite Place Traveled and why?

A. My husband has family in northern California, and we have visited several times. Each time, we try to do something new. We have been camping with the whole ‘Cali’ family on the beach near Fort Bragg, wandered among the redwoods, hiked in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada mountains, and visited several iconic spots in and around San Francisco. A bittersweet memory is visiting the city of Paradise and a wooden covered bridge from the 1800s before they were destroyed by the fires in 2018. We have shared so many great experiences with our two girls over the years and look forward to traveling again when we can. My hope is that we are not only building memories with them, but that we are able to show them that their futures are not limited to what they see in their everyday lives, and the world may not always exist as it is today.

Q. Interesting fact about yourself. 

A. I love quotes! Sometimes reading a favorite quote or two is a great reminder of what really matters or a way to refocus when life is feeling a little chaotic. I have frames in our powder room with quotes that I change periodically. I am always amused when guests take a little extra time in the bathroom reading them. A couple of favorite quotes are “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do.” -Mark Twain and “I saw that.”-Karma.

Q. Who or what shaped you as who you are today?

A. There have been many people who have, and continue to, shape who I am and how I approach the world. Of course, there is my family growing up, my husband and kids, friends and coworkers, but also people I encounter who inspire me to work to be better. Better at my career, better at living in the moment with the people I care about, better at being patient (especially in traffic!).

Q. What do you enjoy most about your job?

A. Most people think being a CPA is mostly about numbers, but I think it is as much about people and relationships. I am excited to work among an amazing group of people who strive daily to provide exceptional client service. Getting to know people and using my knowledge to the best of my ability to help them address their needs and concerns is one of the most rewarding aspects of this job. Also, having a career that provides constant opportunities (sometimes daily!) to learn new things, keeps me engaged and looking forward to the future.

-Anita Ison, CPA, Smitson Erhart-Graves Tax Advisors