How to Cope With a Job Loss Later in Life

Losing a job is never easy, but it may be especially difficult for older adults. If you find yourself in this position, don’t fret! You have options and there are resources out there to help you in your new career search.

When you’ve been at the same job or the same field of work for a long period of time, the thought of finding a new job can seem like a daunting task.

We know change can be a terrifying hurdle. We often get stuck and comfortable in our bubble, but when change happens (especially unsolicited) we must embrace it. There are ways to get back in the workforce and update that dusty resume. Here are some tips to help you land an even better job than you had before, and ease your mind in this life transition!

First, look up your contacts. Reach out to people who may know of opportunities that would fit your skill set. Also, networking is a powerful tool that can often be underutilized, and you never know where it may lead you!

Use your age and experience as an advantage as you approach the job market. Look at it as an opportunity to try something new, a fresh start!

If your contact list is a short one, you can look into places like AARP that offer training opportunities for displaced workers. Also, you could check your local employment service office to see if they offer any resources that may benefit you and your situation.

Finally, one source you may not think of but should, is LinkedIn. There are more than 433 million worldwide members, and it’s a great space to connect, network, and link with potential employers. Use key words in your profile that apply to your skills to show you are an expert in your field! You can even apply for jobs you are interested in by searching them on LinkedIn.

It’s easy to be upset with your current situation – but taking action steps now will help you down the road in your future career.

-       Written by Annie Albrecht, Worley Erhart-Graves Financial Advisors