The 2018 Winter Olympic Games are here!

No matter which sport I’m watching, I’m always thinking “Will they stick the landing?” 

  • Freestyle skiers are catapulting 20 feet in the air, flipping and twisting.

  • Snowboarders on the icy halfpipe jetting 22 feet in the air while rotating 540 degrees.

  • Figure skaters performing high-revolution jumps and landing on 3/16” wide blades.

How do they all land on their feet over-and-over again?

After years of hard work, these Olympians have mastered their sport, but the landing is always a little tricky.  It’s often at this point where athletes lose their nerve, confidence starts to wane, and doubt sets in. These Olympians know better than anyone, sticking the landing is essential.

I know most of us aren’t Olympians, but we can relate to years of working hard, trying new things, experiencing set-backs, all the while keeping our eye on the prize. Our reward is not a gold medal, or even a silver or bronze. But, if you’re able to “stick the landing”, you will obtain something equally satisfying. A comfortable and well-deserved RETIREMENT! 

Jamie Anderson won the gold medal in the inaugural Women’s Slopestyle Event at the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia. She turned in a monster second run to win gold and give the USA a sweep of the new Olympic event.

- Gail Gill, CFP® Worley Erhart-Graves Financial Advisors