Women's History Month - Celebrating Women Who Tell Our Stories - Christina Kane's Story

What a great theme for this year’s Women’s History Month, Celebrating Women Who Tell Our Stories. I am honored to tell the stories of the women who have impacted my life and inspired me to be the person I am today. 

I was raised by a group of very strong women. My grandmothers on both my father and mother’s side were independent, knowing what they felt, shared their beliefs, and lived true to their own values. Growing up, I was very close to my Great Aunt Dorothy. She was raised in the Great Depression with very traditional roles for women. She experienced hardship, discrimination and struggles that my Gen X never knew. Aunt Dorothy took advantage of the changing societal roles of women during this time. She shared her stories as a young woman traveling on a bus to Indianapolis to sing on the radio. She was most proud of her Wonder Bread radio commercials. She worked hard and became a bank teller later in life. She traveled the world and did things that were not accepted by society during that time. She stood up for what she wanted and believe in.  

Aunt Dorothy was a constant source of encouragement for me. I grew up in a very religious home where higher education was not only discouraged but frowned upon. She urged me to go to college, to own my own power and look out for myself. She always said “No one can ever take your education away from you. It is something you do for yourself.” She encouraged me to find my own way. Although that path has been winding with a few unexpected twists and turns, I am forever grateful for her love and support. I respect the courage she showed throughout her life. When life gets me down, I remember her bravery and conviction even in the face of opposition. She used her voice to create her own story. I’m thankful to know her story and can use my voice to share both her and my stories.

-Christina Kane, Marketing Coordinator, Worley Erhart-Graves Financial Advisors