Fill Your Time Without Emptying Your Wallet

Time off at the holidays can be really beneficial when we’ve got a packed schedule and we’re looking forward to spending time with family and friends. Sometimes, though, there might be some downtime you need to fill. If you’re trying to stick to the holiday budget you set but need ideas to keep you busy without spending a fortune, consider these five things you can do to keep your budget intact and potentially make yourself more productive.

1)    Meal prep – Prepare a meal you can stretch into leftovers to pack for lunch or a freezer meal you could throw in the crockpot down the road. Maybe you could even try that one recipe you’ve never had enough time to make!

2)    Listen to a personal finance podcast – If you’re working toward financial independence, check out this list of personal finance podcasts for Millennials from Modern Frugality for something to help keep you in the right mindset. 

3)    Find a free movie to watch – Chances are, there’s at least one movie available on Netflix, OnDemand, Hulu, or Prime you haven’t watched yet. Microwave a bag of popcorn, pour yourself a beverage, and cuddle up with a pet, a loved one, or even just your favorite blanket for some no-extra-cost downtime.

4)    Play a game – My family played board games, card games and dice games regularly growing up, but it seems like we’re all glued to our devices these days. Yet, I still have a cabinet full of these types of games at home. Consider inviting your family or friends over to show off your Monopoly skills or download instructions to play a card game you’ve never tried before.

5)    Organize – If you’re anything like me, you love a well-organized closet. If you’ve been letting that linen closet disaster go or keeping people out of your pantry due to the embarrassment it may cause, consider using some of your time off at the holidays to get it all organized so you can stop stressing over the mess.

No matter how you choose to spend your time away from work, remember to plan ahead, stick to your budget and enjoy every minute you can spend with family and friends. 

Margaret Gooley, CFP®, Worley Erhart-Graves Financial Advisors