Pet Insurance
/Furry members of the family can bring much love, happiness, and joy into a home. Unfortunately, they can also come with unexpected illnesses, injuries and accompanying veterinary medical bills.
Read MoreFurry members of the family can bring much love, happiness, and joy into a home. Unfortunately, they can also come with unexpected illnesses, injuries and accompanying veterinary medical bills.
Read MoreHere we are once more at the starting point of a fresh new year. We always begin with so much optimism… hoping and dreaming that this will be an awesome year.
Read MoreOver the Thanksgiving holiday, I put blocks of sugar in my beehives. This common practice hives bees an additional source of food to get them through the winter. As I got into the first hive, I found my bees had already died. I was sad, but it had been my weakest hive, so I wasn’t entirely surprised.
Read MoreFiling an individual tax return extension is often misunderstood and sometimes abused. A federal tax extension is a form filed with the IRS to request additional time to file your income tax return.
Read MoreEven with the dramatic market swings this year, it is hard to imagine we will end 2018 where we started. On December 31, 2017, the Dow closed at 24,719. As I write this article, the Dow is at 24,622. That is correct—it has been a flat performance year.
Read MoreMy favorite part of the holidays is the food. It starts with a Thanksgiving feast and ends with a New Year’s Day brunch. For me, it’s no longer about one specific day. Instead, I reach out to friends and family the entire month to share a holiday meal.
Read MoreThe average 25-34 year old has $42,000 in debt and most of that comes from credit cards not student loans. That’s why we encourage our clients to pass down financial intelligence to their children.
Read MoreWe should all be aware by now the IRS does not call you if there is an issue with your taxes; they send tax notices and letters. But did you know there are also fraudulent “IRS” notices and letters circulating?
Read MoreWhat is your biggest fear? For some it may be leaving everything they’ve worked towards their entire life up to chance once they have passed away. If you’re reading this, you still have a chance to make sure that doesn’t happen.
Read MoreThe flow of commerce is predicated on both the importers and exporters utilizing human capital, technology and natural resources to provide their products and services.
Read MoreThis is my third year of beekeeping and the first year my hives have had excess honey that I could bottle and sell. So last month I extracted honey and put a “Local Honey For Sale” sign at the end of my driveway.
Read MoreMy daughter, Katie, presented three 4-H projects at the Indiana State Fair again this year. The experience wasn’t quite as successful as last year.
Read MoreOnce you’re 59½, you’re allowed to turn on the spicket to start receiving money from your annuity without a penalty.
Read MoreSeptember is National Preparedness Month, and part of preparing for emergencies and natural disasters is making sure your finances are in order. After all, being prepared is what financial planning is all about.
Read MoreHow many times have you heard “You need a will.” or “You should update your will.” either from your attorney, your financial planner, or even just a good friend?
Read MoreAs our population ages, this question has become more and more common. We often have clients ask this for themselves, for friends, even for their own parents, and the answer is usually, “It depends.” Taking the time to analyze your unique situation and your goals is important when making the decision on whether or not to obtain Long Term Care (LTC) Insurance, and if so, when to purchase the policy.
Read MoreSummer festivities are just around the corner! After all, between Memorial Day and Labor Day is a wonderful span of fourteen weeks with sunshine, picnics, vacations, graduations, weddings, fireworks and fairs. If you do not have enough to do already, there are some offbeat holidays to kick it up a notch! I have some suggestions on how to celebrate a few of them.
Read MoreOccasionally, it’s worth reviewing the basics to keep market volatility in perspective. Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) and Standard & Poor’s 500 (S&P) are indices most familiar to investors due to the constant reporting by the news.
Read MoreDo you recall the Stanford marshmallow experiment on delayed gratification? They would ask a child to sit at a table and wait to eat the marshmallow that sat in front of them.
Read More3500 DePauw Boulevard, Suite 1035
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